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0820 굿닥터E10 After the first diagnosis, Diagnosis [다이어그노시스] 첫 진단을 받고 All I was thinking was, “Will it come back? How bad will it be? 한 가지 생각에 사로잡혔어요. 재발할까? 얼마나 심각할까? Let me know if you find utopia, but until then, I love what I do. So I got to play the game. 그때까지는 나는 내 일이 좋아서 나는 장단에 맞췄어야해 ‘cause if I call them out, I just get labeled a “bitch” 걔네들을 고발이라도 했다가 마녀 낙인 찍히는건 기본이야. *call someone out What were you t.. 2022. 8. 20.
0819 Do you prefer summer or winter activities? Do you prefer summer or winter activities? I prefer winter, but when it comes to activities, I prefer summer more. I like swimming under the sun. I also like hiking. You can hike in the winter, but it’s quite dangerous to trek through snow. To hike in the middle of winter, right clothing and gear is necessary such as thick socks, waterproof boots, layering clothes. Anyway, you should care more b.. 2022. 8. 19.
0816 What was your best birthday? Best Birthday? wow.. it’s been more than 10 years since I had a best birthday.. For usual concept, having a big birthday party seems to be considered as the best birthday so that I picked this. Back when I was in middle school, my so-called closest friends threw large birthday party for me. They gifted me what I like the most at the time, cooked dishes that I like the most, did fireworks and too.. 2022. 8. 17.
0815 What do you hope to achieve in your professional life? It come up with different answers depending on what you define professional means. For me, professional means living a life with full of joy, happy and smiling with people I love. Then, what makes me happy? I'm happy when I do what I want to do according to my will. What I want to do is to do my own job such as building a house that reflects my taste and show it to people and let those who are w.. 2022. 8. 15.